PLAB-WS-NMAP Introduction to Network Security Tools

Information and Technology


8 Hours


Gain access to the skills and knowledge that you need to excel in your IT Career.


The Introduction to Network Security Tools Practice Lab will provide you with the necessary platform to gain hands on skills using Wireshark and NMap. Click on a module below to get started.


  • MODULE 1 | Topology Discovery Part 1
  • MODULE 2 | Topology Discovery Part 2
  • MODULE 3 | Scanning Networks Part 1
  • MODULE 4 | Scanning Networks Part 2
  • MODULE 5 | Understand Network Protocols – HTTP, HTTPS, NetBIOS, TCP, UDP
  • MODULE 6 | Network Security – Protocol Analyzers
  • MODULE 7 | Threats – Network Vulnerabilities
  • MODULE 8 | Threats – Vulnerability Scanning
  • MODULE 9 | Network Security – Routing Protocols
  • MODULE 10 | Network Security – Spam Filter
  • MODULE 11 |Understand Common Ports and Protocols
  • MODULE 12 |Understanding IDS Firewall Evasion and Honeypots

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